About Us


Patients or their substitute decision-makers can contact a Bioethicist at all of UHN's hospital sites.


Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Phone: 416 340 4800 ext. 2710

Ajmera Transplant Centre
Phone: 416 946 4501 ext. 5527

Toronto General Hospital
Phone: 416 946 4501 ext. 8607

Toronto Rehab
Phone: 416 597 3422 ext. 3972

Toronto Western Hospital
Phone: 416 603 5800 ext. 2521



Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Urgent after-hours and weekend requests are made to the Administrator On-Site, who can escalate to the Director of Bioethics as needed.











You can contact a Bioethicist when you have an issue of ethical concern and believe you could benefit from assistance in this area. For example, bioethicists are often contacted to assist Substitute Decision-Makers (SDMs) acting on behalf of a patient who cannot express his or her health care wishes. Sometimes family members need assistance in understanding this new role.

In other cases, a decision maker's views about treatment may differ from those previously expressed by the patient or the health care team.

Patients and family members can contact a bioethicist at all of UHN's hospital sites from Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Toronto General Hospital | 416 946 4501 ext. 8607

Ajmera Transplant Centre | 416 946 4501 ext. 5527

Princess Margaret Cancer Centre | 416 340 4800 ext. 2710

Toronto Western Hospital | 416 603 5800 ext. 2521

Toronto Rehabilitation Institute | 416 597 3422 ext. 3972

You can ask to speak with a hospital bioethicist if you are:

  • A patient
  • A family member directly involved in the patient's care
  • A patient's Power of Attorney for Personal Care or legal guardian
  • A member of the health care team directly involved in the patient's care

When you speak with the bioethicist, they can help:

  • Identify the ethical issues
  • Explore relevant facts, values and options
  • Ensure that the risks, benefits and alternative courses of action/ inaction are considered and understood
  • Assist and guide decision making
  • Provide mediation

The initial discussion is confidential, except in rare circumstances where the law requires disclosure – or disclosure is necessary to prevent imminent and serious harm. If this were the case, the bioethicist would tell you what information they will disclose. Once the initial discussion is over, the bioethicist decides if further consultation is needed.

If there's no need for any more discussion, the bioethicist may offer to refer non-ethical matters to a more appropriate service at UHN. For example, complaints or compliments about patient care are normally referred to UHN Patient Relations.

When further consultation is required, the bioethicist will often need to include other members of the health care team involved in a patient's care. The bioethicist will seek your consent before disclosing your information to the team.

What We Do

A bioethicist provides support to staff, physicians, patients and their family members in dealing with ethical issues in a patient's care. This work involves ensuring that:

  • Patients are at the centre of their care, with the information and support they need to make free and informed decisions about treatment in view of what matters to them.
  • Reasonable, fair and transparent boundaries exist when individual preferences affect others.
  • Mediation is offered to help identify common interests and resolve conflicts when parties disagree about patient care.

For example, Bioethicists are often contacted to help Substitute Decision-Makers when a patient can't express their own wishes. Sometimes a family member needs help understanding their new role. In other cases, the substitute decision-maker's views may differ from those expressed in the past by the patient.

Bioethicists also develop policies and guidelines, conduct research, and promote the ethical conduct of research on human subjects by reviewing protocols as members of the organization's Research Ethics Board (REB).​

Health Information

Materials and Resources to Help You

All resources are in PDF  format unless otherwise indicated.

We have a short brochure that describes what a Bioethicist does, provides examples of situations where they may help, and supplies contact information for Bioethicists at UHN.

Here is some useful information for patients who want to appoint a Power of Attorney for Personal Care and/or Continuing Power of Attorney for Property.

Advance care planning is a time for you to reflect on your values and your wishes, as well as to let others know your future health and personal care preferences in case you can't consent or refuse treatment in the future. National resources are now available to help you make an Advance Care Plan:


Engaging Ethics at UHN

In early 2024, the Department of Clinical and Organizational Ethics introduced a quarterly newsletter, in which we highlight current priorities as well as our events, lectures and publications.

All resources are in PDF  format unless otherwise indicated.

Our Team

Meet Our Team

Senior Director: Ann Heesters, MA, PhD (Phil.)

  • Education Investigator 2, TIER (The Institute for Education Research)
  • Assistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
  • Member, Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto

Senior Bioethicist (Research): Jennifer Bell, MA, PhD

  • Bioethicist, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, UHN
  • Scientist, Supportive Care, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, UHN
  • Education Investigator 2, TIER (The Institute for Education Research)
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto
  • Assistant Professor, Division of Clinical Public Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
  • Member, Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto

Bioethicist: Claudia Barned, MSc, PhD

  • Bioethicist, Toronto Western Hospital, UHN
  • Assistant Professor, Division of Clinical Public Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
  • Member, Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto
  • Education Investigator 2, The Institute for Education Research (TIER)

Bioethicist: Jess du Toit, MA, PhD (Phil.)

  • Bioethicist, Toronto Rehab & Princess Margaret

Bioethicist: Jed Gross, JD, MPhil

  • Bioethicist, Ajmera Transplant Centre, UHN
  • Member, Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto

Senior Bioethicist (Learners/Fellows): Kevin Rodrigues, MTS

  • Bioethicist, Toronto General Hospital, UHN
  • Member, Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto

Bioethicist: Ruby Rajendra Shanker, MBBS, MHSc (Bioethics)

  • Bioethicist, Toronto Rehab
  • Adjunct Lecturer, Division of Clinical Public Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
  • Member, Joint Centre for Bioethics, University of Toronto

Administrative Coordinator: Donna Hutchins​

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